Dove evolution spoof

Thursday, October 25, 2007

#13 Tagging, folksonomies & social bookmarking in

So I have had an explore of and I have to say at first I did not understand why I would want to. But after making my own account and posting some of my fav web sites, I began to see how it could lead me to lots of other related sites, and to people who are into similar things.

I am more than ever astounded by the amazing creations you can uncover on an web adventure. I can't believe how people come up with half of the ideas.

Anyway to relate it back to the library its quite obvious professionally this is a resource that will help you keep up with the library field and whats going on, not only linking you to the sites, but by linking you to other professionals.

I saw heaps of other people who are doing the Learning 2.0 program - what an amazing network or knowledge one has at their fingertips!

#12 Roll your own search engine with Rollyo

Rollyo is pretty cool. I keep saying this but doing the Learning 2.0 program has been like a re-discovery of all this fantastic technology and gadgets and 'things' to make work life easier - with some recreation thrown in.

Rollyo would be good for 'hot topic' questions you keep getting asked on a reference desk eg: climate change'. You could link up a whole lot of different websites that you know have great quality fabulous information - and cut down the search time it takes to answer questions. It's always a challenge to get patrons the info they want in the quickest time you can - because they generally don't have heaps of time to spend waiting. Great little tool to make desk work more efficient.

#11 All about LibraryThing

I had a look at LibraryThing a few times, also because we recently integrated it with our catalogue - so when people do a search on our catalogue they are now linked to so many other possibly related titles - expanding people's reading horizons and enabling us to get more books borrowed even!

It is kind of fun to have this organised list of books - just seeing how eclectic my collection is made me a bit proud. It also reminded me I haven't bought a book in ages!

I had fun checking out the profiles of people with similar book interests, and seeing what other books they were into. If I ever have enough time, I would definately read some of those other titles, and try something new.

LibraryThing would be even cooler if it could do music cds, dvds as well.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

#10 Play around with Image Generators

This is probably the most indulgent week of activities as it really is all play!!! Yipee!

I have created my own M&M which is fitting considering my title is Marketing and Media Coordinator - don't you think? You can create your own at

You have got to check this one from the New York Zoos and Aquariums website - you can build 'Your Wild Self' heaps of fun and if you have kids - or a kid at heart have a go. I love this one, you can set it as your desktop background or email it to a friend.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

#8 Make life "really simple" with RSS & a newsreader

So this week was RSS feeds. hmmmm. Still a bit on the fence about whether I like RSS feeds. I think if I had websites that I regularly visited and wanted to keep up to date constantly, then yes it is a fantastic tool.

But for the ad hoc user not so useful. Great for keeping up to date with professional web sites on library stuff for example - or perhaps the blogs of library futurists such as Stephen Abrams or Helen Blower's blog for latest thoughts.

I have to say my favourite 'thing' so far is Flickr and all the mash-up tools out there - but it ain't over yet goes....

Thursday, October 4, 2007

#6 more flickr fun

Well I've had a go at a 'mash up' I think thats what it's called. Taking one thing and putting it together with another - when neither was originally designed for that purpose.

I went to a couple of places to have play around with it, and you kind of get lost in it all after a while.

I had to do something on my dog Tyson so here it is - his own magazine! And some protest signs - a noble cause off course...