Dove evolution spoof

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

Create a post about your discovery. What did you like or dislike about the tool? What were the site’s useful features? Could you see any applications for its use in a library setting?

Oh wow! What a plethora of amazing website tools to be discovered online = who has time to see them all? I think you could allocate an hour to each new online web 2.0 tool and still not see them all in a month.

My favs include which is basically getting recommendations from other people on a local level about all sorts of stuff like restaurants, grocery stores, shoes, clothes and more. Could be good in a library setting for local community to discuss facilities in their area, where to do to print, copy, fax, put up posters, students could talk about their best place to find information etc etc. I don't really need to say much about this one - it's one of the winners in the fun stuff category and it's just that - fun! Great for xmas time when you look at your stocks of alcohol and ponder just how to combine them for a yummy cocktail concoction. this one is again fairly self explanatory and helps you to create mind maps online - what a fantastic brainstorming tool when you are geographically isolated and can't all sit in the one room to brainstorm. Wonderful project management tool for libraries to use for example could be great for doing a promotions plan for a new service, putting together ideas for teen services etc etc.

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